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lns retourne vers le futur ! merci à vous d'être là (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 2616465929
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la roulette rp est là pour toujours plus de fun (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 850885422
bienvenue sur lns, un forum city de type résidence. chaque appartement est en colocation pour faciliter la création de liens. l'action se déroule dans la ville de séoul, en corée du sud. le forum a ouvert le 27 avril 2018. 7 jours sont accordés pour terminer la fiche. deux rp demandés tous les mois, merci de faire un effort sur l'orthographe. pas de lignes minimum, lns privilégie les réponses courtes.












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 (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt ))

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(( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) Empty

(( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt ))   (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) Empty Jeu 10 Mai - 21:45
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qiao mei
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divine idylle, envolée sauvage, douceur acidulée, odeur pastelle, valse de sentiments, bleus à l'âme.

en bas de ma fenêtre
j’ai vu planer l’être

sous tes airs de gamine au sourire rêveur et à l’éclatante douceur se cache une jeune femme à l’esprit vagabond et aux idées teintées d’illusions. perdue dans ce petit monde que tu t’es façonné de toutes pièces, tu vis à contretemps dans un quotidien bercé de chimères. loin des regards critiques, loin des murmures hypocrites, tu fuis cette réalité dans laquelle tu te serais bien passé d’exister, ce monde qui ne fait que te rejeter.

la tête remplie d’eau
la mine un peu bébête

01 — écrire une information ici. 02 — écrire une information ici. 03 — écrire une information ici. 04 — écrire une information ici. 05 — écrire une information ici...

contrat de logement
envie de vivre en location: oui. à l'olympus complex depuis: deux ans. level de sociabilité: 95%. quel type de voisine êtes-vous: casse-couilles. êtes-vous riche ou dans la normale: la normale, flirtant dangereusement avec la misère. vous engagez-vous à respecter les règles de l'o.c: vos règles sont mes commandements.
pépito | feat. jung chaeyeon
 (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 2766896316
la bise
(( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) Empty

Re: (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt ))   (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) Empty Jeu 10 Mai - 21:45
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story title
chapitre 0: title
what do you call a sketchy neighbourhood in italy?

(( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 2495059291  (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 2495059291  (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 2495059291  (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 2495059291  (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 2495059291  (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 2495059291  (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 2495059291  (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 2495059291  (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 2495059291  (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 2495059291  (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 2495059291  (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 2495059291  (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 2495059291  (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 2495059291  (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 2495059291  (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 2495059291  (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 2495059291  (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 2495059291  (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 2495059291  (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 2495059291  (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 2495059291  (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 2495059291  (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 2495059291  (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 2495059291  (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 2495059291  (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 2495059291  (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 2495059291  (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 2495059291  (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 2495059291  (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 2495059291  (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 2495059291  (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 2495059291  (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 2495059291  (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 2495059291  (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 2495059291

a spaghetto

(( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 2131727795  (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 3002848809
(( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) Empty

Re: (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt ))   (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) Empty Jeu 10 Mai - 21:52
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edit : (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 4255606500
(( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) Empty

Re: (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt ))   (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) Empty Jeu 10 Mai - 22:12
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(( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 1489551250 (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 3855440051
(( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) Empty

Re: (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt ))   (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) Empty Jeu 10 Mai - 22:15
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t'es jolie (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 4166590520
(( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) Empty

Re: (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt ))   (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) Empty Jeu 10 Mai - 22:43
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t'es ben cute aussi (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 4166590520
(( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) Empty

Re: (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt ))   (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) Empty Jeu 10 Mai - 22:47
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bienvenue officiellement botey (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 3002848809
(( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) Empty

Re: (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt ))   (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) Empty Jeu 10 Mai - 22:48
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OUIN TROP BELLE (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 2080089017

bienvenue ici ma douce, courage pour ta fiche et n'hésite surtout pas si besoin (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 2669471435
(( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) Empty

Re: (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt ))   (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) Empty Jeu 10 Mai - 23:56
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je (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 2556051537
trop de beauté sur ce forum (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 3175958430
bienvenue à toi beauté des îles,
courage pour la rédaction,
si besoin, le staff est là (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 3771628489
(( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) Empty

Re: (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt ))   (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) Empty Ven 11 Mai - 8:37
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chaeyeon la douceur (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 2355069565 (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 2355069565
bienvenue ici (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 850885422
(( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) Empty

Re: (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt ))   (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) Empty Ven 11 Mai - 18:12
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CHAEYEOOOOOOON (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 207308959 (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 207308959 (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 2556051537
Bienvenue ici et très bon choix d'avatar, hâte d'en lire un peu quand même sur cette fiche toute vide, et amuse toi bien parmi nous ♥️
(( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) Empty

Re: (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt ))   (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) Empty Ven 11 Mai - 18:54
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chaeyeon trop jolie (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 3837314059
mais cette fiche est bien vide (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 1737220859
bienvenuuuue & hâte de voir ce que tu en feras (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 850885422
Nam Jeno
Nam Jeno

(( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) Tumblr_pk8wnlilCq1tl9dd7o6_400

radio waves

jung jaewon © myself.

(( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) Tumblr_plnr04q71o1sk2kqwo2_400


— emménagement le :
— courriers :
— autres comptes :
siwan le fou. [☆] vinh le mécano.
— âge :
vingt-quatre années à faire l'enculé.
— occupation :
héritier de la famille nam en faisant un coup de pute à son frère, model, instagramer.
— côté cœur :
l'autopsie de son cœur révèle un poster de la tête de hua.
— résidence :
la meilleure résidence aka la résidence quartz, jeno il a pas votre temps.
— logement n° :
villa wisteria, numéro q003.
(( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) Tumblr_pk8wnlilCq1tl9dd7o6_400
radio waves
jung jaewon © myself.
(( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) Tumblr_plnr04q71o1sk2kqwo2_400


— emménagement le : 11/04/2018
— courriers : 1923
— autres comptes : siwan le fou. [☆] vinh le mécano.
— âge : vingt-quatre années à faire l'enculé.
— occupation : héritier de la famille nam en faisant un coup de pute à son frère, model, instagramer.
— côté cœur : l'autopsie de son cœur révèle un poster de la tête de hua.
— résidence : la meilleure résidence aka la résidence quartz, jeno il a pas votre temps.
— logement n° : villa wisteria, numéro q003.
sailor mars
(( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) Empty

Re: (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt ))   (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) Empty Ven 11 Mai - 22:16
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AAAAAA T'AS ENFIN POSTE (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 3175958430
beauty queen chaeyeon j'approuve tellement (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 1742085244
cette fiche vide ouinnnnnnn je veux en savoir sur ta douce moi (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 2556051537
bienvenue sur lns en tous cas (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 850885422 (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 850885422 (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 850885422
courage avec ta fichette, puis le staff est là si t'as besoin (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 549882106
(( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) Empty

Re: (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt ))   (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) Empty Dim 13 Mai - 8:59
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Elle va encore prendre mille ans à faire sa fiche (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 2556051537
(( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) Empty

Re: (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt ))   (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) Empty Dim 13 Mai - 16:39
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vgubhinjok vous êtes tous des amouuuuuuuuuurs (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 3175958430 (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 3175958430
ouais ma fiche est aussi vide que mon âme, mais je fais mon possible pour vite la finir (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 2616465929

yuzu (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 701374665 (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 701374665 (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 701374665 (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) 701374665
Contenu sponsorisé
(( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) Empty

Re: (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt ))   (( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt )) Empty
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(( a beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt ))
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